
Outline of the Letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation 2-3

This Sunday night, June 21, at 8pm on my David Bullock FB page, we will move to the messages to the 7 churches of Asia Minor in Revelation 2-3. A specific outline is used in each letter for each church. We will talk about this more Sunday night, but this will help you be prepared. I don’t know about you, but I am having a GREAT time with this study! I am thankful for all of you! Now to the outlines for the letters.

1) CHRIST: Each letter begins with one of the characteristics of Christ given in Chapter 1. These are important!

2) COMMENDATION: The churches are commended by Jesus for things they do well. But 2 churches receive NO commendation: Sardis and Laodicea. That’s a bad deal! (Well, there is a minor mention for Sardis) Maybe there’s a reason no one names their church Laodicea. Hmm…

3) CONDEMNATION: Jesus condemns the churches for their sins. But 2 of the churches receive NO condemnation: Smyrna and Philadelphia. That’s a GOOD deal!

4) CONFRONTATION: Jesus Confronts their sins and failures, with the exception of the aforementioned 2 churches in number 3. They had none to confront! Oh, to be like them!

5) CASTIGATION: Criticism or Correction. Jesus strongly reprimands the churches. Well, once again, there are those 2, you know. They get to skip numbers 3-5! Good for them! But not so good for the others, especially those “other 2.”

6) OBLIGATION: God obligates Himself to all 7. He promises to reward them for their obedience. Even Sardis and Laodicea get in on that!

Finally, remember to do what I said after Sunday’s study. Write a brief description and one major characteristic of each church. Then decide which church best describes YOUR church, being honest about the good and the bad. Finally, praise Jesus for your church and determine that YOU will do everything you can to help make it the very best it can be for the glory of the Risen Lord!


    • admin

      I am happy to do it, Milinda. I love teaching the Word, especially The Revelation! I appreciate your support more than you know. Thank you!

  • Cathy Evans

    I’m really enjoying this study. I do mine on Monday because there is no noise or anyone around me to bother me so I get more out of the class. Just wish I could write faster. Also wanting to know whe you will have your second book for sale?

    • admin

      Thank you Cathy! I love that you’re doing the study. I understand there’s a lot to write down in a short time. It’s like drinking from a fire hose instead of a water hose. Just take all the notes you can! My second book has gone through final edit. It shouldn’t be too long before it goes to print. I’m ready too!

  • Gladys Herron

    Thank you Bro. David for the study. I can feel your enthusiasm and sincerity as you teach. May God bless your efforts and may many be blessed.

    • admin

      Thank you Gladys. I am very thankful for you and your family. It’s hard to believe we all go back almost 42 years. I am so glad you are watching this study. Thank you for your support.

  • Jeanne Lose

    We’re loving this study. We look forward to it every week. I’m looking forward to digging in and doing the “homework “. Thanks for the outline in the churches. I’ll use them ac a reference as I study!!

    • admin

      Thank you Jeanne. I appreciate you guys so much. Thanks for all your help and support. I hope others will read and use this info in advance too. Enjoy your homework!

  • Sherri Tipton

    I love all of your messages and am enjoying this Revelation study so much. Time is coming to a close and the better we can prepare for it the better we will be. God bless you and your family Pastor David.

    • admin

      Thank you Sherri. I agree! Time is definitely coming to a close. It is more vital than ever that we dig into The Revelation to prepare for what is coming. Thank you for taking part in the study. I appreciate you very much!

  • Debra Godbey

    I am getting so much information, insight and instruction from this study. I love reading the New Testament and finding confirmation verses in the Old Testament. David, your a great teacher! Thank you for the lessons and the prayers.

    • admin

      You are more than welcome Debbie. I am so glad you are being blessed by God’s Word as we study. The Revelation is an amazing Book that unveils God’s truth about the future for us. You will enjoy the journey!